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5/5 Badges

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3 (12 votes)

Sera Labs™

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    1 (855) 762-9988
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Sera Labs™ Review

Sera Labs wins big time when it comes to our methodology. This focused CBD brand sources organic USA hemp and processes it cleanly. They’ve got all the third-party safety tests we look for; they’re innovative, and they go above and beyond in the charity department. We have a bone to pick about their CBD skincare with supposedly ‘100% natural ingredients,’ but other than that, Sera Labs is clearly a five-star champ.

Sera Labs does an excellent job of covering their bases and then some. Their CBD hemp is grown right here in the USA under organic auspices, and they strictly use CO2 extraction to make their CBD oil. Everything is made in the USA in GMP-certified facilities, so the brand gets major points for quality and clean processing.

And their current independent lab reports back up their claims. Although admittedly difficult to navigate (there’s an internal test thrown in there and some confusing links), Sera Labs provides everything needed for the Safety Badge — meaning each SKU has a cannabinoid profile and we could verify contaminants tests for residual solvents, pesticides, microbiological impurities, and heavy metals. Way to go!

Now, let’s dive into the Sera Labs CBD products. The vast majority are over-the-top in quality, but there are a few discrepancies we also want you to be aware of:

  • Full-spectrum CBD tinctures – These tinctures boast an excellent cannabinoid profile chock full of CBD, CBDA, CBDV, CBG, CBGA, and CBC — truly an awesome spectrum! But we find it weird that the company lists CBD isolate in the ingredients list. Unless there is a mismatch with testing, this is probably an oversight.
  • Pure Spectrum CBD tinctures – OK, now we’re confused. These tinctures have the exact same ingredients, but tests show only cannabinoids CBD, CBDV, and CBC. It’s still a fantastic product, but we want Sera Labs to explain exactly what they mean when they say ‘pure spectrum’ versus ‘full spectrum.’
  • CBD gummies – Hooray for all-natural ingredients! But again, they’ve labeled this product full spectrum when the cannabinoid profile clearly shows CBD isolate.
  • Full-spectrum CBD capsules – We checked. Just like the full spectrum tinctures, these have a nice and robust cannabinoid profile!
  • CBD oil tinctures for pets
  • CBD topicals – Here is where our issue lies. Two of seven CBD topicals use plant stem cells — great for anti-aging purposes — which we find super cool and worthy of the Innovation Badge. But five of the seven products (save the CBD lip balm and facial oil) contain synthetic ingredients like phenoxyethanol, PG, dimethicone, and more.

The issue is that Sera Labs has a seal on each of these product pages as well as their homepage that reads ‘natural product’ and ‘100% natural ingredients.’ The brand already earns five badges with high-quality, potent CBD oil to fall back on. We say, ditch these misleading seals. You’re better than that!

Bottom Line – Sera Labs gets five badges for their excellent commitment to quality CBD products with current safety tests that prove their CBD oil is potent, premium stuff. They’re obviously doing great, but we’d like them to clarify their wording around full versus pure spectrum and ditch the all-natural claims.

Alternative Brand Special:

Save 15% on CBDfx, shop their complete catalog of hemp CBD products!

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Badges For Sera Labs™

Quality Badge

Quality Verified

Sera Labs uses hemp organically grown in the USA and CO2 extraction to procure their CBD line.

Safety Badge

Safety Verified

Sera Labs provides independent lab reports for purity on each SKU and comprehensive contaminants tests.

Charity Badge

Charity Verified

Sera Labs proudly supports nonprofit Saving Sophie and provides a discount for military/veterans and their immediate family members.

Mission Badge

Mission Verified

Sera Labs is dedicated to supporting the health and wellness journeys of their customers.

Innovation Badge

Innovation Verified

Sera Labs incorporates plant stem cells in their anti-aging CBD skincare products.

Each badge earned is worth one star or point. The best score possible is 5. Discover how these badges are earned

Alternative Brand Special:

Save 15% on CBDfx, shop their complete catalog of hemp CBD products!

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Contact Sera Labs™

1 (855) 762-9988
[email protected]

About Cathy Rozyczko

Cannabinoid researcher and consumer advocate. I take CBD because the science on cannabinoids is solid, and I have seen firsthand the amazing array of benefits the hemp plant (when properly grown without chemical pesticides, etc.) offers humans and animals! Questions? Contact Us.

Alternative Brand Special:

Save 15% on CBDfx, shop their complete catalog of hemp CBD products!

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Sera Labs™ Reviews

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